M.D.-Ph.D. Student
Stony Brook, New York
joseph.bae @ stonybrookmedicine.edu
Data Science: Python, MATLAB, Java, machine-learning, statistics
Leadership: Experience leading interdisciplinary teams, managing multiple simultaneous projects, and presenting to scientific and public audiences
Writing: Scientific publications, conference proceedings, blog posts
Applications: Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, etc.), Sony Vegas
Wet Lab: Basic techniques including PCR, cell culture, immunofluorescence, etc.
Trainee Research Prize - RSNA 2023
Facebook COVID-19 Symptom Data Challenge Finalist
Stanford Biodesign Hackathon 2020 - Best COVID-19 Project Award
USC Trustee, University, Asian Pacific American Scholarships
Rose Hills Foundation, USC Provost, Dornsife Scholar, Discovery Scholar Research Fellowships
Phi Beta Kappa Member
National Merit Scholar
Warren Bennis Scholar
Resident Honors Program
Perform machine learning and computer vision research under Dr. Prateek Prasanna. Ongoing studies include radiomic and deep learning analysis to predict disease outcomes in radiotherapy-treated cancers.
Developed approaches for few-shot and unsupervised segmentation of volumetric medical images leveraging foundation models. Presented at MEDAGI@MICCAI 2024. Provided in-person anatomy lectures for research scientists covering human physiology and pathology.
Led a multinational team of scientists, doctors, and engineers to develop digital systems for equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution in the US and other countries (patent pending). Served on the leadership committee for the Vaccines for All Conference hosted at MIT.
Conducted research on circulating tumor cells in colorectal and prostate cancer using wet lab and computational techniques as a member of the Kuhn Lab. Member of the inaugural class of the Bridge Undergraduate Scientist Program. Assisted in organizing undergraduate researchers and volunteers.
Organized conferences, volunteering events, and medical missions to underserviced communities. Served on medical missions to Siloé Clinic in La Misión, Mexico and coordinated campus visits by healthcare professionals from a variety of fields.
Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D.-Ph.D.) student
M.S. Medical Biophysics & B.S. Biophysics - Magna Cum Laude
Thematic Option, Physics Honors Program, Freshman Science Honors Program